Privacy Policy

HOLISTIC LIVING by Katarina Osterrieder takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We want you to know when we collect what information and how we use it. Therefore, we assure you that the use of your data only under the applicable data protection provisions, in accordance with the Telemedia Act of the Broadcasting State Treaty, the Federal Data Protection Act and other data protection provisions, such as the EU Data Protection Regulation. Your personal data will be stored, processed and used for the purpose for which you have provided it. Exceptions only exist if you have agreed to a different use. In the following, we would like to inform you in what way and for what purpose your data is used.

General information
The following information will provide you with an easy to navigate overview of what will happen with your personal data when you visit this website. The term “personal data” comprises all data that can be used to personally identify you. For detailed information about the subject matter of data protection, please consult our Data Protection Declaration, which we have included beneath this copy.

Data recording on this website
Who is the responsible party for the recording of data on this website (i.e., the “controller”)?
The data on this website is processed by the operator of the website, whose contact information is available under section “Information about the responsible party (referred to as the “controller” in the GDPR)” in this Privacy Policy.

How do we record your data?
We collect your data as a result of your sharing of your data with us. This may, for instance be information you enter into our contact form. Other data shall be recorded automatically or after you consent to its recording during your website visit. This data comprises primarily technical information (e.g., web browser, operating system, or time the site was accessed). This information is recorded automatically when you access this website.

What are the purposes we use your data for?
A portion of the information is generated to guarantee the error free provision of the website. Other data may be used to analyze your user patterns.

What rights do you have as far as your information is concerned?
You have the right to receive information about the source, recipients, and purposes of your archived personal data at any time without having to pay a fee for such disclosures. You also have the right to demand that your data are rectified or eradicated. If you have consented to data processing, you have the option to revoke this consent at any time, which shall affect all future data processing. Moreover, you have the right to demand that the processing of your data be restricted under certain circumstances. Furthermore, you have the right to log a complaint with the competent supervising agency.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions about this or any other data protection related issues.

Analysis tools and tools provided by third parties
There is a possibility that your browsing patterns will be statistically analyzed when your visit this website. Such analyses are performed primarily with what we refer to as analysis programs.

For detailed information about these analysis programs please consult our Data Protection Declaration below.

General information and mandatory information

Data protection
The operators of this website and its pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Hence, we handle your personal data as confidential information and in compliance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Data Protection Declaration.

Whenever you use this website, a variety of personal information will be collected. Personal data comprises data that can be used to personally identify you. This Data Protection Declaration explains which data we collect as well as the purposes we use this data for. It also explains how, and for which purpose the information is collected.

We herewith advise you that the transmission of data via the Internet (i.e., through e-mail communications) may be prone to security gaps. It is not possible to completely protect data against third-party access.

Information about the responsible party (referred to as the “controller” in the GDPR)
The data processing controller on this website is:

Holistic Living
Katarina Osterrieder
St.-Florian-Ring 20, 85656 Buch am Buchrain, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 174 9267377

The controller is the natural person or legal entity that single-handedly or jointly with others makes decisions as to the purposes of and resources for the processing of personal data (e.g., names, e-mail addresses, etc.).

Storage duration
Unless a more specific storage period has been specified in this privacy policy, your personal data will remain with us until the purpose for which it was collected no longer applies. If you assert a justified request for deletion or revoke your consent to data processing, your data will be deleted, unless we have other legally permissible reasons for storing your personal data (e.g., tax or commercial law retention periods); in the latter case, the deletion will take place after these reasons cease to apply.

General information on data processing
Legal basis for processing personal data
In accordance with Article 13 GDPR, we will inform you of the legal basis for our data processing. If the legal basis is not specified in the privacy notice, the following applies: the legal basis for obtaining consent is Articel 6(1)(a) in conjunction with Article 7 GDPR. The legal basis for processing in order to provide our services and fulfil contractual measures, as well as answering inquiries, is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. The legal basis for processing in order to fulfil our legal obligations is Article 6(1)(c) GDPR. If the processing of your data is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of our company or a third party and if your interests, fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms as the data subject do not outweigh the first interest, Article 6(1)(f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for the processing. In the event that vital interests of the data subject or another natural person require the processing of personal data, Article 6(1)(d) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

Data deletion and storage period
We adhere to the principles of data minimisation in accordance with Article 5(1)(c) GDPR and storage limitation according to Article 5(1)(e) GDPR. We only store your personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes stated here, or as stipulated by the retention periods provided for by law. After the respective purpose no longer applies or after these retention periods have expired, the corresponding data will be deleted as quickly as possible.

Note on data transfer to third countries
We also use tools from companies based in third countries on our website. If these tools are active, your personal data may be transmitted to the servers of the respective companies. The level of data protection in third countries does not usually correspond to EU data protection legislation. This means that there is a risk that your data will be passed on to authorities in these countries. We have no influence on these processing activities.

External links
This website may contain links to third-party websites or to other websites under our responsibility. If you follow a link to any of the websites outside our control, please note that these websites have their own privacy notices. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for these external websites and their privacy notices. Before using these websites, please check whether you agree with their privacy policies.

You can recognise external links either by the fact that they are displayed in a colour which is slightly different from the rest of the text or that they are underlined. Your cursor will show you external links when you move it over such a link. Only when you click on an external link will your personal data be transferred to the destination of the link. The operator of the other website will then receive your IP address, the time at which you clicked on the link, the website you were on when you clicked on the link, and other information that you can find in the respective provider’s privacy notice.

Please also note that individual links may result in data transfer outside the European Economic Area. This could give foreign authorities access to your data. You may not be entitled to any legal recourse against such data access. If you do not want your personal data to be transferred to the link destination or potentially even accessed by foreign authorities against your will, please do not click on any links.

Rights of data subjects
As a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR, you have the option to assert various rights. The data subject rights arising from the GDPR are the right to information (Article 15), the right to rectification (Article 16), the right to deletion (Article 17), the right to restriction of processing (Article 18), the right to object (Article 21), the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and the right to data portability (Article 20).

Right of revocation:
Some data processing can only take place with your express consent. You have the option to revoke your consent at any time. However, the lawfulness of the data processing up to the point of revocation is not affected by this.

Right of objection:
If the processing is based on Article 6(1)(e) or (f) GDPR, you as the data subject can object to the processing of your personal data at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation. You are also entitled to this right in the case of profiling based on these provisions within the meaning of Article 4(4) GDPR. Unless we can prove a legitimate interest for the processing which overrides your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims, we will refrain from processing your data after the objection has been made.

If the processing of personal data serves the purpose of direct marketing, you also have the right to object at any time. The same applies to profiling associated with direct marketing. Here, too, we will no longer process personal data as soon as you raise an objection.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority:
If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the member state of your place of residence, without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, your place of work or the location of the alleged violation.

Right to data portability:
If your data is processed automatically based on consent or fulfilment of a contract, you have the right to receive this data in a structured, common and machine-readable format. You also have the right to request that the data be transferred and made available to another data controller, insofar as this is technically feasible.

Right of access, rectification and erasure:
You have the right to obtain information about the processing of your personal data with regard to the purpose, categories and recipients of the data processing, as well as the duration of storage. If you have any questions on this topic or on other topics regarding personal data, you can of course contact us using the contact options provided in the legal notice.

Right to restriction of processing:
You may assert your right to the restriction of processing of your personal data at any time. To do this, you must meet one of the following requirements:

You contest the accuracy of the personal data. While the accuracy of the data is being verified, you have the right to demand that its processing is restricted.
If processing is unlawful, you can request the restriction of the use of the data as an alternative to deletion.
If we no longer need your personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need the data to assert, exercise or defend legal claims, you can request the restriction of processing as an alternative to deletion.
If you object to the processing in accordance with Article 21(1) GDPR, we will weigh up your interests against ours. Until this weighing up is completed, you have the right to request the restriction of processing.
The effect of restricting processing is that, apart from storage, the personal data may only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of substantial public interest of the Union or a member state.

Provision of the website (web host)
We are hosting the content of our website at the following provider:

The provider is the Alfahosting GmbH, Ankerstraße 3b, 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany (hereinafter referred to as: Alfahosting) Whenever you visit our website, Alfahosting will record a variety of websites, including your IP addresses.

For details, please consult the Data Privacy Policy of Alfahosting:

We use Alfahosting on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in making the depiction of our website as dependable as possible. If you have been asked for your respective consent, processing shall occur exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 (1)(a) GDPR and § 25(1) TTDSG, if the consent comprises the archiving of cookies or access to information on the user’s device (e.g., device finger printing) as defined in the TTDSG. Such consent may be revoked at any time.

Data processing
When you access our website, we automatically collect and store information in so-called server log files. Your browser automatically transmits this information to our server or our hosting company’s server.

These are:
IP address of the website visitor’s end device
device used
host name of the accessing computer
visitor’s operating system
browser type and version
name of the retrieved file
time of server request
amount of data
information on whether the retrieval of the data was successful
This data is not merged with other data sources.

Instead of operating this website on our own server, we may also commission an external service provider (hosting company) to operate it on their own server, which we have named above in this case. The personal data collected by this website will be stored on the hosting company’s servers. In addition to the data mentioned above, the web host also stores for us, for example, contact requests, contact details, names, website access data, meta and communication data, contract data, and other data generated via a website.

The legal basis for processing this data is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the technically error-free presentation and optimization of this website. If the website is called up in order to enter into contract negotiations with us or to conclude a contract, this serves as a further legal basis (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). In the event that we have commissioned a hosting company, a order processing contract will have been agreed with this service provider.

Use of Local Storage Items, Session Storage Items and Cookies
Our website uses local storage items, session storage items and/or cookies. Local storage is a mechanism that enables data to be stored within the browser on your end device. This data usually includes user preferences, such as the “day” or “night” mode of a website, and is retained until you manually delete the data. Session storage is very similar to Local storage, whereas the storage duration only lasts during the current session, so until the current tab is closed. The session storage objects are then deleted from your end device. Cookies are information that a web server (server that provides web content) stores on your end device in order to be able to identify this end device. They are either temporarily deleted for the duration of a session (session cookies) and after your visit to a website or permanently (permanent cookies) on your end device until you delete them yourself or they are automatically deleted by your web browser.

These objects can also be stored on your end device by third-party companies when you visit our site (third-party requests). This allows us, as the operator, and you, as a visitor to this website, to make use of certain third-party services installed on this website. Examples are the processing payment services or displaying videos on a website.

These mechanisms have a variety of uses. They can improve the functionality of a website, control shopping cart functions, increase the security and comfort of website use and carry out analyses regarding visitor flows and behaviour. Depending on their individual functions, they must be classified in terms of data protection legislation. Are they necessary for the operation of the website and intended to provide certain features (shopping cart feature) or serve to optimize the website (e.g. cookies to measure visitor behaviour), then their use is based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. As a website operator, we have a legitimate interest in storing local storage items, session storage items and cookies in order to ensure the technically error-free and optimized provision of our services. In all other cases, local storage items, session storage items and cookies are only stored with your express consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

If local storage items, session storage items and cookies are used by third-party companies or for analysis purposes, we will inform you about this separately in this privacy notice. When required, your consent will be requested and can be revoked at any time.

Use of external services
We use external services on our website. External services are services provided by third parties that are used on our website. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as embedding videos or website security. When using these services, personal data is also passed on to the respective providers of these external services. If we have no legitimate interest in using these services, we will obtain your revocable consent as a visitor to our website before using them (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

Our legitimate interest in using a content delivery network is to be able to display our website as quickly, securely and reliably as possible.

Google Static
Our website uses the service Google Static. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The use of this service may result in data transfer to a third country (USA). The provider of this service is certified according to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and therefore provides an adequate level of data protection.

Further information can be found in the provider’s privacy policy at the following URL:

Our website uses the service Elementor. The provider of this service is Elementor Ltd., Tuval st. 40, Ramat Gan, 5126112, Israel.

As this service is hosted locally on the web server, no data is transferred to third parties.

Our website uses the service WordPress. The provider of this service is Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street #343, 94110 San Francisco (CA), USA.

As this service is hosted locally on the web server, no data is transferred to third parties.

Social plugins
Social plugins from the providers listed below are used on our website. You can recognize the plugins by the fact that they are marked with the corresponding logo.

Information, which may also include personal data, may be sent to the service provider via these plugins and may be used by the service provider. We prevent the unconscious and unintentional collection and transmission of data to the service provider through a 2-click solution. To activate a desired social plugin, it must first be activated by clicking on the corresponding button. Only this activation of the plugin also triggers the collection of information and its transmission to the service provider. We do not collect any personal data ourselves by means of the social plugins or about their use.

We have no influence on what data an activated plugin collects and how it is used by the provider. Currently, it must be assumed that a direct connection to the provider’s services is established and that at least the IP address and device-related information is collected and used. There is also the possibility that the service providers try to save cookies on the computer used. Please refer to the data protection information of the respective service provider to find out which specific data is collected and how it is used. Note: If you are logged into Facebook at the same time, Facebook can identify you as a visitor to a particular page.

We have integrated the social media buttons of the following companies on our website:
facebook, Instagram

Functions of the service Instagram are integrated on our sides. These features are provided by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, United States. If you are logged in to your Instagram account, you can link the contents of our pages to your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to associate the visit of our pages with your user account. We point out that we as the provider of the pages do not receive any knowledge of the content of the transmitted data and their use by Instagram.

For more information, see the Instagram privacy policy:

Presentation optimisation
We use tools that serve to optimise the presentation of our website. Among other things, these tools help display the website in other languages or to make it more accessible.

Processing only occurs if you expressly give consent to this data processing (via our consent banner on the website). The legal basis for this processing is consent Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. Without your consent, data processing in the manner described above will not take place. If you revoke your consent (e.g. via the consent banner or other options provided on this website), we will stop this data processing. The lawfulness of the processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected.

Our website uses the service Polylang. The provider of this service is WP Syntex, 28, rue Jean Sébastien Bach, 38090 Villefontaine, France.

As this service is hosted locally on the web server, no data is transferred to third parties.

This processing is based on our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

This application is needed to ensure the full functionality of the website. This is a tool that is used for the linguistic optimization of the website.

Privacy software
In order to better comply with data protection requirements, we use appropriate software. This software supports us in complying with data protection regulations.

Processing only occurs if you expressly give consent to this data processing (via our consent banner on the website). The legal basis for this processing is consent Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. Without your consent, data processing in the manner described above will not take place. If you revoke your consent (e.g. via the consent banner or other options provided on this website), we will stop this data processing. The lawfulness of the processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected.

Graphic opimisation tool
We use tools that support us in optimising image content on the website. This allows us to make our website more attractive and organised.

Processing only occurs if you expressly give consent to this data processing (via our consent banner on the website). The legal basis for this processing is consent Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. Without your consent, data processing in the manner described above will not take place. If you revoke your consent (e.g. via the consent banner or other options provided on this website), we will stop this data processing. The lawfulness of the processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected.

Google APIs
Our website uses the service Google APIs. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The use of this service may result in data transfer to a third country (USA). The provider of this service is certified according to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and therefore provides an adequate level of data protection.

Further information can be found in the provider’s privacy policy at the following URL:

Video/Music service
We integrate audio files and videos into our website. These are retrieved from the server of our provider, the so-called audio or video platform. In order to be able to play an audio file or a video, your end device establishes a connection with the audio or video platform and transmits personal data to it. This includes in particular your IP address and any location data or information about your browser and end device.

Processing only occurs if you expressly give consent to this data processing (via our consent banner on the website). The legal basis for this processing is consent Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. Without your consent, data processing in the manner described above will not take place. If you revoke your consent (e.g. via the consent banner or other options provided on this website), we will stop this data processing. The lawfulness of the processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected.

Our website uses the service YouTube. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The use of this service may result in data transfer to a third country (USA). The provider of this service is certified according to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and therefore provides an adequate level of data protection.

Further information can be found in the provider’s privacy policy at the following URL:

Web fonts
This site uses so-called web fonts for the uniform display of fonts, which are provided by an external provider and loaded by the browser when the website is accessed. When web fonts are loaded, the web font provider becomes aware that our website has been accessed from your IP address, as your browser establishes a direct connection to the web font provider.

Processing only occurs if you expressly give consent to this data processing (via our consent banner on the website). The legal basis for this processing is consent Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. Without your consent, data processing in the manner described above will not take place. If you revoke your consent (e.g. via the consent banner or other options provided on this website), we will stop this data processing. The lawfulness of the processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected.

Google Fonts
Our website uses the service Google Fonts. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The use of this service may result in data transfer to a third country (USA). The provider of this service is certified according to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and therefore provides an adequate level of data protection.

Further information can be found in the provider’s privacy policy at the following URL:

Google Ads
Our website uses the service Google Ads. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The use of this service may result in data transfer to a third country (USA). The provider of this service is certified according to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and therefore provides an adequate level of data protection.

Further information can be found in the provider’s privacy policy at the following URL:

Google Double Click
Our website uses the service Google Double Click. The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

The use of this service may result in data transfer to a third country (USA). The provider of this service is certified according to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and therefore provides an adequate level of data protection.

Further information can be found in the provider’s privacy policy at the following URL:

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